Tuesday, March 30, 2010

4/1/10 - Happy Easter!

CATATONIA will be closed this Sunday for Easter. Which means Saturday is your only day this week to come by and pick up anything you need. We have a variety of cd's coming this week, check out our new arrivals section for the details.

It is looking like mid May is the scheduled time for us to open 5 days a week.

Due to the band leaving their licensor Bravado International Group, and joining Global Merchandising Services, Merchandise for Iron Maiden is slim. We have been informed that new designs and merchandise will come available in a week or two so do not fret. We are planning on having at least 10 different Iron Maiden shirt designs in time for the show on June 12th. Don't spend 60 dollars or more for the SAME shirts at the concert when we got them for $17.99! Keep checking back for more info.

Thursday, March 18, 2010


Starting on June 2nd, CATATONIA will be back open 5 days a week! Definitely. However it may be sooner, depending on school schedules and growth potential. Either way by June you will be able to shop with us Wednesday through Sunday.

Traffic update: We meant to do this last week but we were alittle busy. I-35N at Rittiman Road has been shut down on the weekends. If this weekend is the same, PLEASE call and we will give you this alternate route if you do not know the area. If you do, get off 35N at Broadway, make a left on a broadway and take it all the way til Austin Hwy and make a right. Take Austin Hwy down to Eisenhauer Road and make a right. and we are on the left at the second light.
If you need "Texas Directions"( Make a right at the Walgreens...etc) again give us a call.

You may have noticed or will notice the flip flopping of the store layout lately. We are trying to organize the store to accommodate all the new merch in our small space until a another spot opens up so we can expand. That's the reason, we are not crazy or anything. hehe.

CATATONIA will be advertising in BACKBEAT MAGAZINE starting next month. If you have not pick this free mag up anywhere you really need too. It is local and supports all genres of music and our local scene.

Until next week...

Thursday, March 4, 2010

3/4/10 - Growing up and out!

We here at CATATONIA would like to personally thank all of our customers here in San Antonio and worldwide for their support and patronage. Because of you all, we are going to have to expand before we move. We are currently waiting on some open spots in our current location so we may be able to double the size. We are expecting hundreds of CD'S to start arriving within two weeks along with even more shirts then we already have. We are currently working on expanding certain areas of the business such as carrying more jewelry and increasing our already unmatched Satanic selection. We said 2010 was going to be big year and so far it is growing bigger and faster than predicted.

This week, will be the start of a advertising blitz we have prepared. You will begin to notice Catatonia stickers beginning to pop up in locations and if you want one, come on down. They are only a buck and FREE with a $25 or more purchase.
You will also see postcard flyers begin to make the rounds next week at all the local and national shows in town.
Advertisments in the local papers are coming as well.

Horns Up and Thank you.